7 min read

President Joe Biden has found himself at a pivotal juncture, where decisions made in the hallowed halls of Congress reverberate globally.  I do commend the recent efforts to gather world powers to coordinate on Ukraine and emphasize the indispensable role the United States must play in ensuring the country’s stability.

In the recent call convened by the United States of America, which featured key allies in Europe, Canada, and Japan among others, all attendees their unwavering support for Ukraine[1]. Also acknowledged was the urgent need for sustained aid to Ukraine with the National Security Council pointing out that any gaps in support would embolden President Putin, potentially prolonging the conflict[2]. Russia’s history of exploiting geopolitical vacuums demands that the aid flow remains uninterrupted to thwart any of Russia’s strategic advantages.

However, the United States Congress has made its position known on the matter, causing President Biden’s support to be weakened from the domestic sphere[3].  I strongly hold that the delicate balance in Congress, particularly concerning the stance of a faction of House Republicans, necessitates careful consideration. This is given that the recent legislation signed by President Biden, despite ensuring that the federal government was funded, budgeted less for supporting Ukraine’s war effort, stifling the US ability to comfortably and continuously support continuity of aid[4].

It is imperative that bipartisan unity prevails if at all President Biden is to successfully leveragee his office to bridge the gaps and secures the promised $24 Billion funding to Ukraine.

A big mountain to climb as evidenced by the removal of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy[5], following internal politics within the Republican party is the disagreement nature of bipartisan politics. The larger concern is the potential of partisan politics jeopardizing international stability.

President Biden and his administration must find a way to bring to the same table leaders across party lines, with the emphasis that Ukraine’s cause transcends political affiliations and to also let it be known that even so, joining Biden’s voice will not be cashed in as a bargaining chip for unrelated matters, having in mind and in particular border security issues of the US. This had been seen in some Republicans, including McCarthy, who linked Ukraine funding to border security issues which represents a dangerous conflation of unrelated agendas[6].

While it is undeniable that border security is crucial, it should not be held hostage to decisions concerning international aid. A strategic approach demands the separation of these issues. By focusing on each concern independently, the United States can address domestic challenges while upholding its international commitments.

While at it, I urge President Biden to continue leveraging on international diplomacy by maintaining ties and alliances with states reaffirming the collective commitment to Ukraine, such as Poland in which President Andrzej Duda of Poland shared an understanding of the significance of the USA support[7].

The stakes in the Russia -Ukraine war extend beyond geopolitical manoeuvring and touch on the very essence of democratic ideals. The USA has had a history of supporting democratic nations under threat from authoritarian aggression hence it is best to soldier on this with unwavering solidarity.  I urge President Biden to seize this moment, uphold the democratic ideals that America represents, and to champion the cause of Ukraine. This in my opinion is one and the right step to a stable world.

[1] Associated Press. “Biden Signs Bill to Help Ukraine Against Russian Aggression.” October 2, 2023. https://apnews.com/article/biden-ukraine-funding-russia-congress-24878354b2a40f61d6d901f83ede6893.

[2] Associated Press. “Biden Signs Bill to Help Ukraine Against Russian Aggression.”

[3] Foreign Policy. “Congress Is Waging a Battle Over Funding for Ukraine Aid, and Republicans Are Balking.” October 3, 2023. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/10/03/ukraine-war-congress-battle-funding-republicans-balk-ukraine-aid-russia/#cookie_message_anchor.

[4] The Guardian. “US Government Shutdown Looms as Congress and Senate Split.” September 30, 2023. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/30/us-government-shutdown-congress-senate-kevin-mccarthy.

[5] CBS News. “What Happens Next After Kevin McCarthy Is Removed as House Speaker?” October 4, 2023. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kevin-mccarthy-removed-house-speaker-what-happens-next/#:~:text=Washington%20%E2%80%94%20The%20House%20on%20Tuesday,the%20help%20of%20House%20Democrats.

[6] Associated Press. “Biden Signs Bill to Help Ukraine Against Russian Aggression.”

[7] White House. “Remarks by Vice President Harris and President Andrzej Duda of Poland in Joint Press Conference.” March 10, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/03/10/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-and-president-andrzej-duda-of-poland-in-joint-press-conference/.

By The European Institute for International Law and International Relations.

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