Home Strategic Affairs Peacekeeping National Atlantic Treaty Organization peacekeeping operation in Kosovo

National Atlantic Treaty Organization peacekeeping operation in Kosovo

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National Atlantic Treaty Organization has been leading a peace-support operation in Kosovo – the Kosovo Force – since June 1999. Kosovo Force was established when National Atlantic Treaty Organization’s 78-day air campaign against Milosevic’s regime, aimed at putting an end to violence in Kosovo, was over. Kosovo Force’s original objectives were to deter renewed hostilities, establish a secure environment and ensure public safety and order, demilitarize the Kosovo Liberation Army, support the international humanitarian effort and coordinate with the international civil presence. Today, Kosovo Forces continues to contribute towards maintaining a safe and secure environment in Kosovo and freedom of movement for all. National Atlantic Treaty Organization strongly supports the Belgrade-Pristina EU-brokered Normalisation Agreement adopted in 2013 and Kosovo forces stands ready to support its implementation.

The NATO-led peacekeeping force is cooperating and coordinating with the United Nations, the European Union and other international actors to support the development of a stable, democratic, multi-ethnic and peaceful Kosovo. In April 2013, Belgrade and Pristina reached an Agreement on Normalisation, which is helping to improve relations between both parties while giving momentum to the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans. National Atlantic Treaty Organization and Kosovo Force stand ready to support the implementation of this agreement within its means and capabilities.

Over time, as the security situation has improved, National Atlantic Treaty Organization has been gradually adjusting Kosovo Force strenght posture towards a smaller and more flexible force with fewer static tasks.

The NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo derives its mandate from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement between National Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 was adopted on 10 June 1999 and on 12 June, the first elements of the NATO-led peacekeeping force entered Kosovo. By 20 June, the withdrawal of Serbian forces was complete. Nel corso del tempo le unità sono andate a diminuire, passando da 50 mila a circa 4000 mila, numero attuale.

A setback in progress towards a stable, multi-ethnic and democratic Kosovo occurred in March 2004, when renewed violence broke out between Albanians and Serbs. At that time, Kosovo Force troops were under attack.

At the 2004 Istanbul Summit, NATO leaders condemned the renewed ethnic violence and reaffirmed National Atlantic Treaty Organization’s commitment to a secure, stable and multi-ethnic Kosovo.

After 14 months of United Nations-led negotiations, the Special Envoy for Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, presented his Comprehensive Proposal for a Kosovo Status Settlement to the United Nations Secretary-General in March 2007. Whilst Pristina endorsed the Ahtisaari Proposal, Belgrade categorically rejected it. Five months later, no final decision on the fate of Kosovo was taken by the United Nations Security Council, for this reason the then Secretary General Ban Ki-moon launched an extended period of engagement with the parties, led this time by an European Union, Russia, United States Troika under the auspices of the Contact Group. By the end of the Troika’s mandate on 10 December 2007, the negotiating parties failed to reach any agreement on Kosovo’s status.

Throughout the negotiations, National Atlantic Treaty Organization supported the efforts of Martti Ahtisaari and, subsequently, those of the Troika to settle Kosovo’s status; Kosovo Force helped maintain safety and stability on the ground allowing the negotiations to proceed without disruption.

In December 2007 National Atlantic Treaty Organization foreign ministers agreed that Kosovo Force would remain in Kosovo on the basis of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, unless the Security Council decided otherwise. They also renewed their commitment to maintain Kosovo Force’s national force contributions, including reserves, at current levels and with no new caveats.

At the Bucharest Summit in April 2008, National Atlantic Treaty Organization leaders agreed that NATO and Kosovo Force would continue to work with the authorities. They also agreed that, bearing in mind its operational mandate, Kosovo Force would cooperate with and assist the United Nations, the European Union and other international actors, as appropriate, to support the development of a stable, democratic, multi-ethnic and peaceful Kosovo. They also stressed that National Atlantic Treaty Organization stands ready to play its part in the implementation of future security arrangements.

National Atlantic Treaty Organization foreign ministers, on 2-3 December 2008, reaffirmed that the UN-mandated NATO-led Kosovo Force presence will remain in Kosovo on the basis of United Nation Security Council Resolution 1244. They stressed that the prompt deployment of the European Union’s Rule and Law mission throughout all Kosovo was an urgent priority, and in this context noted the adoption by the United Nations Security Council of a statement of its presidency in support of the reconfiguration of United Nations Mission In Kosovo. They reaffirmed that National Atlantic Treaty Organization will continue to work towards the standing down of the Kosovo Protection Corps and the establishment of the Kosovo Security Force on the basis of National Atlantic Treaty Organization’s voluntary trust funds.

Since then, the security situation has continued to improve. As a result, on 11-12 June 2009, National Atlantic Treaty Organization defence ministers decided to gradually adjust NATO peacekeepers force posture towards what is called a deterrent presence. This means that, when appropriate and according to the evolution of events, over time National Atlantic Treaty Organization will reduce the number of forces on the ground, with the remaining forces in theatre progressively relying more on intelligence and flexibility.

At their informal meeting in Istanbul on 3-4 February 2010, National Atlantic Treaty Organization defence ministers were informed by the NATO Military Authorities that Kosovo Force had successfully achieved the so-called Gate One in its transition to a deterrent presence, reducing the number of troops on the ground to some 10,200. The move to Gate 2, allowing for a total of approximately 5,000 troops was recommended by NATO Military Authorities and authorized by the North Atlantic Council on 29 October 2010. Gate 2 was declared on 28 February 2011. The security situation in the northern part of Kosovo deteriorated in July 2011 over a customs dispute. Clashes ensued, resulting in two major spikes of violence in July and September, followed by a third in November, prompting the Alliance and its partners to adapt their posture on the ground. In this context, a NATO Operational Reserve Force battalion was deployed in August, with a troop contribution of around 600 soldiers, in order to help bolster Kosovo Force’s deterrent presence.

In a separate development, the improved security situation on the ground in Kosovo has also allowed National Atlantic Treaty Organization to continue with the implementation of the so-called unfixing process, the gradual transfer of security for religious and cultural heritage sites under Kosovo Force protection to Kosovo Police responsibility. By the end of May 2012, Kosovo Force will have unfixed seven properties with Designate Special Status including the Gazimestan Monument, Gracanica Monastery, Zociste Monastery, Budisavci Monastery, Gorioc Monastery and Devic Monastery.

Amid the heightened tensions and clashes in Northern Kosovo, National Atlantic Treaty Organization peacekeepers acted carefully, firmly and impartially, with a view to guaranteeing the population a stable environment, freedom of movement and security. Meanwhile, at the political level, National Atlantic Treaty Organization continues to support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under European Union auspices. The Operational Reserve Force battalion was deployed to strengthen National Atlantic Treaty Organization’s deterrence posture; a second Operational Reserve Force battalion was deployed to theatre ahead of the Serbian parliamentary and presidential elections of 2012. A reduction of Kosovo Force has been delayed with the aim to ensure the ability to maintain a safe and secure environment if tensions arise. Future decisions on further reducing Kosovo Force’s footprint in Kosovo will continue to need the approval of the North Atlantic Council in the light of both military and political considerations, with no automaticity in the move to a deterrent presence Gate 3.

On 19 April 2013, Belgrade and Pristina reached an European Union-facilitated First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations; an implementation plan was agreed on 22 May 2013. National Atlantic Treaty Organization played an important role in securing the Agreement, and Allies continue to strongly support the accord. In support of the Agreement, Belgrade and Pristina have initiated a programme of high-level talks, hosted by the European Union. This dialogue remains key to solving the political deadlock between the two parties, and has helped improve relations between them. The dialogue has also given fresh momentum to the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans. In June 2013, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with Belgrade and negotiations with Pristina on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement. This agreement was signed on 27 October 2015 and entered into force on 1 April 2016. National Atlantic Treaty Organization continues to offer strong political support to the Belgrade-Pristina Agreement, and Kosovo Force stands ready to support its implementation – by ensuring a climate of peace and security – within its current mandate.

Recently the tension between Belgrade and Pristina is raised due to the law adopted by Kosovo government that impose the removal of Serb licence plates from cars coming into the country and the violent clashes in the city of Mitrovica involving Kosovo police and Serbian ethnic persons. These events led the intervention of the  NATO-led international peacekeeping force in Kosovo to de-escalate the tension between the parties. Primarly, the Kosovo Force was involved in the dispute near two Serbia-Kosovo border crossings in order to remove the vehicles placed by the Serbian ethnic and de-escalate the tension between the two countries, meanwhile the Serbian military jets and helicopters flew close to the border with Kosovo in an apparent show of force. An agreement, at the beginning of October, between the two countries to de-escalate the tension at the border has been reached with the fundamental mediation of the European Union. This deal provide the removal of the special police units at the border crossings replaced by National Atlantic Treaty Organization peacekeeping forces and the application of the sticker regime on a “temporary basis” to solve the dispute concerning the license plates. A working group, convened on October 21, attended by representative from Serbia and Kosovo and chaired by the European Union is working to negotiate a permanent solution within six months.

These events demonstrated that the relationship between the two countries is fragile and for this reasons the presence of the National Atlantic Treaty Organization and the mediation of European Union is essential to ensure the peace and security of the area. The work to reach the peace and the stability of the area is far from being obtained, due to that the NATO-led peacekeeping force plays a fundamental role not only for the security of the population but also for the development of Kosovo.   

NATO-led mission at Kosovo-Serbia border after deal to ease tensions, available at: https://www.euronews.com/2021/10/03/nato-led-mission-at-kosovo-serbia-border-after-deal-to-ease-tensions

Serbia and Kosovo reach agreement on de-escalation at border, EU envoy confirms, available at: https://www.euronews.com/2021/09/30/serbia-and-kosovo-reach-agreement-on-de-escalation-at-border-eu-envoy-confirms

NATO increases patrols near Kosovo-Serbia border blockage, available at: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/09/28/world/nato-patrols-kosovo-serbia-border-intl/index.html

Serbia and Kosovo reach agreement on de-escalation at border, EU envoy confirms, available at: https://www.euronews.com/2021/09/30/serbia-and-kosovo-reach-agreement-on-de-escalation-at-border-eu-envoy-confirms

NATO Troops Patrol Kosovo-Serbia Border After Truck Blockade available at: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/10/03/nato-troops-patrol-kosovo-serbia-border-after-truck-blockade.html

NATO’s role in Kosovo available at: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_48818.htm

By The European Institute for International Law and International Relations.

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