Mahmoud Refaat is an Expert in International Law and Foreign-Policy Advisor, President and Founder of The European Institute for International Law and International Relations. Refaat is also a Writer (member of the British Association of Journalists – BAJ).
Refaat started his career as International Consultant in the field of International Law in different European countries and was advisor to several companies and governments inside and outside the European Union.
In October 2009, Mahmoud Refaat Founded the European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR) in Paris to be one of unique establishments to combine both legal and strategic studies in the same frame, in 2013 extended it to Brussels, Belgium and in 2021 extended to Stockholm, Sweden where its head office now. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations is an independent, promoting and scientific, center for studies, research and training on issues of application of laws and its effects on the social life. On the other side, it’s a laboratory for strategic studies whether they are influenced by law, legislations and other legal aspects or not.
In February 2012, Mahmoud Refaat founded the daily newspaper The International Gazette (with name The World Gazette until 2014) in London, United Kingdom as an international comprehensive journal to target audience from all the globe with 3 languages, English, French and Arabic. The International Gazette is an independent tribune aiming to present an independent journalism.
In May 2018, Refaat, founded the International Action Group for Peace in Libya with former Libyan Prime Minister Omar Al-Hassi aiming to put an end to civil war in Libya and to work with the International Criminal Court (ICC) on presenting actors of crimes against humanity to the international justice. The International Action Group for Peace in Libya was inaugurated from the Tunisian capital Tunis as a political and legal group; composed mainly of Libyan politicians, military officers of the Libyan army, legal experts and Refaat therefore took the position of general coordinator of the group.
In March 2019, Refaat launched the Humanitarian Action Group for Yemen through the European Institute for International Law and International Relations, due to the Yemeni Civil War. The group also works closely with the international community to try to end the war in Yemen and to prosecute the actors in the Yemeni Civil War.
Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize, Mahmoud Refaat was nominated for peace prize of Nobel 2 times by set of university professors from different countries and the former member of the European Parliament Mr Klaus Buchner for his efforts of peace in Yemen, Libya and Syria also for his rule of delivering humanitarian aides to victims of wars in these countries.
In 2018, Refaat was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize member of the European Parliament Mr Klaus Buchner for working to help in victims of the conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Libya, also his engagement to activate the role of international law in Libya by the International Criminal Court also for the rule of The European Institute for International Law and International Relations in enhancing International Law to make Peace in International Community.
In 2019, Refaat was nominated for second time for Nobel Peace Prize by former prime minister of Libya Omar Alhassi with several of university professors from different countries for working as volunteer for the peace in Libya and the role he plaid in Libya on political, legal and International levels in order to put an end to the armed conflict.
As well as his humanitarian endeavors in Yemen so he launched through The European Institute for International Law and International Relations The International Humanitarian Group for Yemen which aims to guarantee food and medical equipment to civilians in Yemen, as the country became the worst humanitarian crisis in the world according to the UN because of the war and the blockade led by the coalition of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also to pursue war criminals and perpetrators of crimes against humanity in Yemen to international justice.
In December 2021, Mahmoud Refaat launched The World Forum on Peace and Security as non-governmental organization based in Stockholm in Sweden. The organization hosts a gathering of world leaders, decision-makers, directors of big manufactures and heads of international organizations, as well as leaders from the civil society and the private sector and thousands of individuals from around the globe, on creating forms of collective action. The Global Forum on Peace and Security aims to enable decision-makers around the world to find a direct an undirect solutions for the world peace and world security, in particular in the conflict areas.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2021). ISLAMOPHOBIA: Roots, Consequences and Solutions. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798472245562.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2021). Islamic Terrorism, Myth and Reality. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798472678001.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2020). Crimes against humanity of Saudi Arabia & UAE in Yemen. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798507624591.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2019). International Law And Global Governance. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798498777597.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2018). International Electronic Contract Legal Framework and Formalism. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN 9798497514667.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2018). Libya: Battleground for International Antagonism. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798749825473.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2018). Crimes against humanity in Libya – The Criminal Role of Saudi Arabia and UAE: Responsibilities of the ICC and UN Security Council. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798512762417.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2017). International Commercial Arbitration Under UN 2005 UNCITRAL Convention. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798750151721.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2017). Putin New Foreign Policy: Russian Involvement in its Neighborhood. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798747718364.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2016). Customary International Law in Times of Fundamental Change. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798494130242.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2015). Role of International Law in International Politics. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798493243936.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2014). International Economic Sanctions in International law and in Practice. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798483893417.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2013). The Role of the International Criminal Court in the international peace. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798512777138.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2012). Non-International Armed Conflicts in International Law. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798488376700.
- Refaat, Mahmoud (2011). The Principal of Complementarity of National and International Criminal Legal Systems. The European Institute for International Law and International Relations (EIIR). ISBN9798512770689.