Home Our Experts Dr Sureyya Sonmez Efe (Fellow) – United Kingdom

Dr Sureyya Sonmez Efe (Fellow) – United Kingdom

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Dr Sureyya Sonmez Efe (Fellow) - United Kingdom

Sureyya Sonmez Efe is a Lecturer in International Relations and Post-doc Research Associate at University of Lincoln, UK. Sureyya studied European Studies (BA Hons) at The Open University, followed by Globalising Justice: Human Rights, Crime and Social Justice (PG) at University of Lincoln. She completed her PhD in Political Science at Leeds Beckett University, where she was a member of Global Inequalities within Centre for Applied Social Research (CeASR). Sureyya’s PhD research lies across the disciplines of political philosophy, law, sociology and economics, which focuses on the moral arguments about states’ and international organisations’ attitude towards legal status and rights of migrant workers. Sureyya focused on Turkey as a case study and incorporated an examination of the regional and international laws on labour migration, political factors and moral issues surrounding the subject. Through developing the theory of ‘porous values’, this research is important in terms of pushing the boundaries of politics of migration designed under states’ jurisdiction by including the ‘rights perspective’ into the process of policy-making. Sureyya is the author of the book ‘Rights of Migrant Workers: an Analysis of Migration policies in Contemporary Turkey’. Her research interests lie at the intersection of Political Philosophy and Ethics, Human Rights, Migration Studies and Global Justice. She published and continues to publish peer reviewed articles and book chapters in the aforementioned subject fields.

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