Catherine Greenacre is a political researcher from the UK. She is a recent Master’s graduate from the University of Exeter in Conflict, Security and Development (MA) where she received a Distinction. Her specialisms include public international law, post-conflict reconstruction and resolution, human rights, transitional justice, and ethno-sectarian divides.
Her Master’s thesis focused on humanitarian law, specifically interpretations and state engagement with the legal principle of proportionality, with a particular emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Sri Lankan civil war.
Her attainment of a first-class joint undergraduate degree in population studies and human geography (BSc), and receival of the Dean’s List Award for Outstanding Achievement in Social Sciences at the University of Southampton also demonstrate her proficiency of demographic methods and analysis, alongside statistics.
Catherine is especially interested in issues of accountability and impunity surrounding atrocity crimes such as war crimes and genocide and is confident in producing actionable insight pieces in both an academic and professional setting