The October 7 attacks changed Israel and its policies on the national security threats forever. In an unprecedented move by the Israeli legislators, Israel Knesset approved “the Al Jazeera Law”, which this law would allow the communication minister to act on to shut any foreign news/media outlet that might deemed as a security threat to the state, as understood from the name Al Jazeera comes on top of the list to start with. However, what this law means and how far the implications of this law can hurt the freedom of speech in general?
The communications minister of Israel, Shlomo Karhi stated that; “We have brought an efficient and rapid tool to act against those who use freedom of the press to harm Israel’s security, Israel Defence Force (IDF) soldiers, and to incite terrorism during wartime”.[1] Moreover, Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu further supports this law to be implemented and used immediately against certain media organisations as well. This law is at the moment pending, however the enthusiasm and the expectations from it already points the concerning state of freedom of expression and the weakened statue of the government which is being drained from this war. Even a possibility or a direct expression from the highest levels of a government to shut down news outlets are a sign of significant danger on expression of ideas.
Furthermore, this pending law can also be used as a tool by the government or certain actors within the state to close opposing news outlets, especially with the recent rising tensions and public opposition towards the Netanyahu’s government. Similarly, the critical signs of this law’s intentions might also be to cover or shield what is really happening in Gaza from both the international community and the Israeli people. Any kind of media coverage both internally and externally might be a critical sign of corruption as well which gives further negative impression on the international level. Hints of a very possible future ban of Al Jazeera in Israel might even disrupt and destabilize the power relations in the Middle East since Al Jazeera is supported by Qatar. Deeming a Qatari-owned international news outlet a security threat would surely raise certain eyebrows.
Accusing and pointing Al Jazeera as a terror news outlet to ban and penalise in Israel shows how determinate Netanyahu’s government is to use this law on them. The news of the approval of this law in Israel already echoes throughout the international communities with rising concerns on the freedom of speech. In contrast, perhaps Israel is attempting to use this law as a tool to put pressure on Qatar to push Hamas to make compromise in this crisis since Prime Minister Netanyahu blamed Qatar before by stating they are not doing enough in this conflict.[2] However, it should be remembered that this possible attempt might also backfire and further alienate Israel in the region by pushing Qatar out.
Additionally, the possible ban of Al Jazeera also reflects the geopolitical statue of this international news outlet in general. In the past Al Jazeera had been criticised and approached delinquency by several states caused by its news coverage. Al Jazeera was also blamed to be bias on certain matters by several Middle Eastern countries and had been even blocked or penalised by number of these countries as well such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Even when a news outlet is funded by a government their existence and freedom of expression should be respected but for some this kind of funding might mean or potions towards a national security issue especially in war times.
In conclusion, Israel’s intention to ban Al Jazeera is a concerning sign for the freedom of expression in the country, it might not just effect Al Jazeera but others as well. This law’s existence might be a looming warning or a threat to the opposing parties and international news outlets to express their opinions and ideas. If this law passes it might serve as a disruptive force over the fundamental principles of a free and open society. In short, since the world has become extremely interconnected, a country’s decision might as well shake the foundations of the global political balance while undermining the freedom of expression.
By The European Institute for International Relations
[1] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/06/netanyahu-al-jazeera-gaza-horrors-israeli-censorship-public-military
[2] https://time.com/6962579/israel-al-jazeera-law/