Home International Law International Law & Childhood Children in Afghanistan: From an already precarious existence to collateral damage

Children in Afghanistan: From an already precarious existence to collateral damage

12 min read

The core of children’s human rights abused

The situation in Afghanistan changed drastically in August 2021 after the take over by the Talibans. Nonethless, the living conditions and basic fundamental rights of children were endangered beforehand. However, the US presence for twenty years had some benefits such as the adoption of a new constitution and the establishment of a liberal democratic governance, aid to fund education and health care. More girls received education and women acquired rights over time. This enabled organisation such as UNICEF in collaboration with states organes and agencies to develop projects aiming at protecting children, such as the set up of child protection centres within the police department in order to prevent children recruitment. The first step was to provide brith certificate to certify the age of the children and prevent their recruitment, unlawful detention and providing them adequate protections’ measures.

However, since the Talibans’ take over, a tragic situation is occuring, since all the human rights achievement have been destroyed. Afghan girls face more and more early marriage, honour killings, domestic abuses and sexual violence. As for Afghan boys, they are also more confronted to recruitement and sexual exploitation. Yet, the Talibans seem to forget their obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its protocol about armed conflict (OPAC). Therefore,  Talibans must open themselves to discussion and peace efforts in order to fullfil their obligations under international law.

Besides, the internal conflict and the take over of Talibans, pushed almost three millions afghans to flee their country and one million to move internally. This forced migration cause a disruption of communities and at the end victimize the children forced to early marriage. An entire generation has only lived in a country facing internal conflict, with violence, war, displacement but also natural disasters. It had and has a great impact on they psychological health and development. It is urgent for children to escape this reality and to provide them with safe heaven, a space when they can, as normal children pleay, learn and socialize.

The international sanctions victimizing mostly children

From August 2021, the international community stopped the financial help to the afghan governement and to froze their assets overseas. It  has great repercussionz on the population since eighty percentz of the afghan budget was financed by aid. Since February the US, EU, Germany, UK and France among others provided 1.6 billions dollars for humanitarian aid in Afghanistan but through organizations. Afghanistan neighbouring coutries are also aiding by providing food and medical supplies. Yet this humanitarian help cannot compensate for the severe damages caused by the international sanctions. The afghan economy needs to function to give an opportunity to the afghans to feed themselves. It has now become a practice to sell one child to marriage to feed the rest of the family. Moreover, the country is facing its worse food crisis leading more than five millions of children on the brink of starvation. Due to the malnutrition, pneumonia cases have surged, and in December 2021 alone one hundredand thirty children died. Parents do not have the necessary resources to drive them to the remaining opened hospitals, since the unemployement is allover the country.

The Talibans eased their measures to enable humanitarian workforces to cross the borders despite the restrictions imposed and are trying to implement measures towards men’s and women’s equality. However this equality is only virtual in order to get rid of international sanctions. In fact, women disappeared from schools and workplaces. The decrees are not implemented. Nonetheless, even if the international community does not recognize the Talibans government it should not be the children, who have to be hostage of politics. The international communtiy main priority shall be to prevent deaths and suffering from those many children. The existing policies and sanctions shall be reviewed in light of the situation. Moreover, the international community shall be willing to receive afghans refugees and refrain to deporte them. It is now time for supporting and providing a secure environement to the afghan families. Besides, despite the EU’s support to the Afghanistan’s neighbouring coutries to welcome refugees, it does not prevent the EU to take refugees in its territory and shall absolutely not justify any violence at its borders.

Nevertheless, a provision of financial help as it occurred before August 2021, cannot take place in the same conditions. Indeed, the powers were concentrated in a few hands without any checks and balances available which led to systemic corruption. The Afghans shall themselves be able to take decisions on how to use the help, since it is about their own lives and of their children we are speaking about.


Amnesty International ‘Afghanistan: Country must have. Access to funds to avoid Humanitarian disaster’ <https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/11/afghanistan-country-must-have-access-to-funds-to-avoid-humanitarian-disaster/> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

BBC News ‘Afghanistan: What Humanitarian Aid is getting in?’ <https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-59518628> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

Deutsche Well ‘Taliban issue decree Banning forced marriage’ <https://www.dw.com/en/taliban-issue-decree-banning-forced-marriage/a-60014836> accessed on the 1st of March 2022

France 24 ‘Soaring pneumonia and starvation is killing thousands of children in Afghnaistan’ <https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20220202-soaring-pneumonia-and-starvation-is-killing-thousands-of-children-in-afghanistan> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

Humanium ‘Afghan Children’s rights under serious threat under the Taliban regime’ <https://www.humanium.org/en/afghan-childrens-rights-under-serious-threat-under-the-taliban-regime/> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

Press TV ‘UN Children’s. Agency says children in Afghanistan „cannot be held hostage to Politics”’ <https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2022/02/26/677597/Afghanistan-children-UNICEF-Taliban-US-sanctions-assets-> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

Save the children ‘Europe must take responsibility for Asylum seeking afghan children’ <https://www.savethechildren.net/news/europe-must-take-responsibility-asylum-seeking-afghan-children> accessed on the 1st of March 2022

Save the children ‘Help children in Afghanistan’ <https://www.savethechildren.net/what-we-do/emergencies/afghanistan> accessed on the 1st of March 2022

The Conversation ‘What did billions in Aid to Afghnaistan accomplish.? 5 questions answered’ <https://theconversation.com/what-did-billions-in-aid-to-afghanistan-accomplish-5-questions-answered-166804> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

The Guardian ‘Children on teh edge of life in Afghanistan’ <https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2022/feb/22/children-on-the-edge-of-life-in-afghanistan> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

UNICEF ‘Child protection: protection Afghnaistan’s most vulnerable children’ <https://www.unicef.org/afghanistan/child-protection> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

UNICEF ‘Delivering for Afghanistan’s children: UNICEF is continuing to work with Partners to support children and their families across the country’ <https://www.unicef.org/emergencies/delivering-support-afghanistans-children> accessed on the 1st of March 2022

UN Secretary general ‘Afghanistan: „Children have suffered enough”- UN officials call to uphold the Rights of Children, including through global action’ <https://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/2021/08/afghanistan-children-have-suffered-enough-un-officials-call-to-uphold-the-rights-of-children-including-through-global-action/> accessed on the 28th of February 2022

Voanews ‘Parents selling children shows desperation of Afghnaistan’ <https://www.voanews.com/a/parents-selling-children-shows-desperation-of-afghanistan/6376757.html> accessed on the 1st of March 2022

By The European Institute for International Law and International Relations.

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